• Olivia Abraham

    President - oliviaab@umich.edu

    Olivia is a senior studying Neuroscience and Spanish. She has been powerlifting since she joined the club her freshman year and has refereed for USAPL since 2023. Her favorite lift is squat!

  • Phillip Crumm

    Vice President - pcrumm@umich.edu

    Description stuff here

  • Ahmed Hajazi

    Public Relations Chair

  • Marley Dodenhof

    Secretary - dmarley@umich.edu

    Marley is a junior studying Aerospace Engineering. She has been powerlifting since joining the club freshman year in 2022. She loves deadlifting, and airplanes.

  • Nicole Ver Beek

    Treasurer - nverbeek@umich.edu

  • Benjamin Filias

    Competition Chair

  • Renee Capouellez

    Social Media Chair

  • Johnny Issa

    Events Chair - jnyissa@umich.edu

    Likes squats and ice cream