Olivia Abraham
President - oliviaab@umich.edu
Olivia is a senior studying Neuroscience and Spanish. She has been powerlifting since she joined the club her freshman year and has refereed for USAPL since 2023. Her favorite lift is squat!
Phillip Crumm
Vice President - pcrumm@umich.edu
Description stuff here
Ahmed Hajazi
Public Relations Chair
Marley Dodenhof
Secretary - dmarley@umich.edu
Marley is a junior studying Aerospace Engineering. She has been powerlifting since joining the club freshman year in 2022. She loves deadlifting, and airplanes.
Nicole Ver Beek
Treasurer - nverbeek@umich.edu
Benjamin Filias
Competition Chair
Renee Capouellez
Social Media Chair
Johnny Issa
Events Chair - jnyissa@umich.edu
Likes squats and ice cream